Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ethnic Food!

These are GRUBS! I swear to god! They came in this package from the Asian Market. And Toan is cooking them. He also likes stuff like tripe, bull balls (Rocky Mountain Oysters), heart and various other organ meat.

O.k., to be fair, I ate the deer we hit and he skinned. He doesn't like it because of the smell, but I think it is swell if you cook it right!

Shiite Ayatollah Ignores Letter From Bush

Get the point, George???? Not everyone agrees with you or is interested in your plan for the Middle East... Let them form their own government!

At least nine veterans of the Iraq war are running for Congress, all but one as Democrats.

I'd consider voting for them all, even the Republican. We need all the veterans we can get in Congress. I might add that I'd like to see the Congress more balanced. Mind you, I don't want to see them all fight, but I do want more Democrats.

Maybe, just maybe, should a similar situation as the invasion of Iraq be pending in the future, the veterans will help quide us in the proper direction.

It is quite clear that the military is the best school for leaders. We need leaders in Congress who will guide us out of our current mess. I'd love to see a couple of veterans on the ticket for Pres or V.P. next time.

I mean real vets, not one who flew jets over Houston or one who inflated the reasons for his medals during a brief stint in Vietnam!!! No, Hillary, being former first lady does not count as being a veteran! No, Al, being in Vietnam with your own personal bodyguard on a cushy assignment doesn't count either.

John McCain - you have the best resume, but you'll have to do something different from "business as usual" with the Republicans. You also might be too old for the job, now.

Shake it up a bit! Get rid of the incumbents!

They'll do something, but WHAT???

They're hashing it out in Congress, now.... Will they do anything meaningful??? I really wonder!

Things on my mind:

1. You won't stop people from immigrating. When there are jobs to be filled, people will come.

2. Better to have them here legally (and paying all the taxes) than here illegally. Hopefully, then we would know who is here and what they are doing.

3. The large percentage of people coming are decent and hard working. Let's put the primary focus on keeping out the criminals and terrorists.

4. Don't like other cultures? Too bad! Get used to it! I happen to like the Mexican culture - just not the corrupt elements that are keeping that great country down. We have to remember that there was a time when immigrants from Italy and Ireland were considered undesireable.

5. Have fun on Cinco de Mayo. I will have fun on the 4th of July and maybe even drive around with an American flag draped over my hood.

6. Remember, this is an election year. A lot will be promised - little delivered!!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Terry Schivo revisited...

Man how time flies!!!! So it is the anniversary of her death now. I still haven't changed my views on this. I don't sit in judgment of any of her family on either side. Just don't do THAT to me if I'm in a similar situation!!! I know you won't because none of you love me THAT much, anyway! See, they talk a good game about protecting "life", but it kind of depends on who you are and if you are in the media spotlight!

There are probably hundreds of homeless men my age who die on the streets every day. Nobody loves them and they are usually not in the media spotlight; thus their lives mean NOTHING! (they are important to me, but not to society)

Abdul Rahman's Family Values

This is the title of a new article in I LOVE IT! Since this guy is bound to be the poster child of the Religious Right, I don't want to see him be made out to be some kind of Saint or something. He is not.

Not that I could sit in judgement of him, of course!!! And regardless of his tawdry past, he deserves religious freedom. Every human does. Even if he were to convert to Paganism, he deserves freedom.

It is just that after listening to my brother George whine about how Christians are mistreated in America, I don't want to listen to them play martyr about this one... It was our "great" Christian President that invaded there, supposedly bringing freedom and democracy to the Afghan people. Look, most of us supported (supported but dreaded) the invasion of that country just to look for Osama. But it is with great disappointment we hear about their intolerance. It's nice that he will be given asylum, but why the heck can't he just live there with his beliefs?????

I consider the most important American values to be freedom of religion and seperation of church and state!!!!! They will never be able to force me to believe in something I don't and will have a difficult time trying to force me to act like I believe!!!! I suspect that a lot of people in Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and elswhere are just going through the motions!!!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

'Hi! Welcome back from your coma!'

This is a rejected greeding card; I kinda like it!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Immigration Protest and the New Bill...

I just have a thought on this... I heard something about someone trying to pass a law to make it a felony to be in the U.S. illegaly. Don't most people who commit felonys serve prison time??? I know people are getting frustrated and angry about the problem, but our jail system is getting kind of overtaxed.

How about making it a felony to knowingly hire people who are here illegally???

Let us also be mindful that there a lot of foreign people here that are not illegal. Just because they may happen to be speaking Spanish or some other language, don't assume they are here illegaly! I can just see people looking at Mani when he is in Spanish mode and assuming. Then, when he replies "HI, how are you??", they'll know about their error!!!!

We NEED to speak up!!!

People in my generation, the Vietnam generation, need to speak up!!! Whether you support our wars or not, the troops are trying to do a difficult job and deserve our respect! They should definately not be treated like the vets returning from Vietnam!

Fred Phelps, you will suck cocks in hell while being sodomized by Satin!!!!!!!

Editor's Note: Sorry, this Blog is loosing it's "G" rating. There are NO other words to describe such an obscene disrespectful act and how it's perpretrator should end up!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Look at what we got for our efforts...

All this effort in promoting freedom and democracy in Afghanistan and look what we get for our efforts!!! The clerics are demanding the execution of a man who converted to Christianity. Look, I don't care if it was Wiccanism, it's still wrong!

President Karzai is caught in the middle. If he lets the guy go, the clerics will be pissed off. If the guy is executed, well, it is just WRONG!!!

If there is no moderation in religion, I have NO tolerance for it. Nobody better try and force it on me in THIS country!!

Live Free or Die!!!!!

Buffer Zone for Protesting Funerals

I think that the lowest form of human being possible are those who disrupt funerals for some kind of protest. A prime example is Fred Phelps. Yes, his "Primitive" Baptist Church is quite primitive all right!

Yes, I grudgingly acknowledge that they have the First Amendment right to do what they do. In fact, all these outrageous protests do is drum up support for those opposed to them.

The problem here is letting those who are saying goodbye have a peaceful funeral. The proposed buffer zone would help, I believe that if someone is stupid enough to watch or photograph the protesters, they all can do it from a distance. This isn't really saying that the protosters can't have a voice. It is saying that they can't be right on top of the mourners.

Two notes here:

1) They have to decide what exactly is an appropriate distance. I hear 500 feet is proposed.

2) "God Hates Fags" and the protests against the soldiers funerals (which I can't understand at all) only begets sympathy for gays and the troops! Both groups have my wholehearted support and Phelps can go to HELL!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Loss of sleep...

I can't help thinking about my friend Amir! I'm afraid to communicate with him - he knows more about computers than I. I don't know when the motherfucking Iranian Government or it's idiotic mullahs might be snooping in.

I want to write e-mails, but afraid they will be read. Then again, how safe is Yahoo Messenger???

Now, WHAT ABOUT MY GOVERNMENT??? I don't have a lot of good things to say after hearing how the BITCH, Condaleeza Rice voted WITH Iran and other oppressive countries against a U.N. measure supporting GLBT goups.


Monday, March 20, 2006

Lack of Credibility somehow...

Yes, I think the U.S; should be concerned about nuclear proliferation. But a lot of time it comes off like we are lecturing other countries. I'd really like it better if the countries who never had nuclear capabilities did the lecturing and objecting.

WE can't talk. WE are the ONLY country to light off a couple of those things! O.k.they were Atom Bombs and quite small compared to todays weapons. Still, a LOT of people perished at once in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Sure it shortened WWII, but also began the Nuclear age.

I'm sure the United States STILL has the weaponry to incinerate the world many times over...


"I like freedom more than religion!" This is a quote from Amir, my friend in Tehran. When asked if he was religious, he replied "NO". I'm not religious either, Amir! It only raises my blood pressure! I think I'm spiritual, but not religious. All I see religious leaders doing is trying to impose their views on others. Do it my way or perish in hell! I despise the Vatican trying to meddle in U.S. politics almost as much as I resent those controlling Amir's life.

"Freedom is the separation of Church and State..."

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rumblings.... Oh No!!!

Iran is a major headache. No doubt! But I hear rumblings of military action against them and it scares the heck out of me!!! I really don't care for those right-wing pundits at Fox News talking about possible airstrikes on Nuclear sites. All this would stir up the anger against us even more.

I don't know what the solution is. I'll be the first to admit it. I know we just can't appease them, but this approach of lecturing and threatining them doesn't work too well, either. There is apparently a LOT of discontent among the Iranian public with regards to the religio-fanatics in charge. I think the Iranian people want freedom in their hearts. But it can't be imposed on them from the outside. Eventually, if there is patience, a revolution/ at least a change of government will occur.

So, what is to be done in the mean time??? Containment and attempts at dialogue?? I'm open to suggestions, but I will tell you two things that aren't acceptable: A. doing nothing B. an all out invasion (we've got out hands full now with Iraq!)

Friday, March 10, 2006

A PERFECT Birthday gift....

Well, first of all Toan came in and sang me "Happy Birthday" this morning and gave me a hug. Second of all, my co-workers (so far) have completely forgotten. This is great! Look, they've had enough cards and pot-lucks for me over the years. When you're looking to jump ship, you don't want to have people endear themselves to you... It's not about that, it's about the work enviornment. Noisy and stressful! They're all nice people - though they have their moments!!!

My brothers... Likely to forget. One good turn deserves another. I routinely forget John's birthday as it falls on Christmas eve. George, I forget whether it is the 11th, 12th or 13th of July. Look, I'm not going to advertise my birthday!!! Toan remembered and that's the most important one. I had forgotten his exact day in February, but looked it up on a copy of his old Green Card.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Revolt on the ports deal???

I can't make up my mind whether the port deal would be good or not. Of course I wish all of our ports could be run by U.S. companies. But since the Chinese are running the West Coast ones, is it fair to single out Dubai because they are an Arab country? They definitely should have nothing to do with security of those ports. No foreign country should; not even Canada!

The problem I see is that all of this stuff just kind of appeared to the public eye all the sudden. On the surface, it sounds like a rotten deal. The fox watching the henhouse??? Even if it didn't affect security, Americans really aren't too crazy about outsourcing.

The Bush administration should have done a better job educating us why they think this is a good deal! Most of us haven't a clue!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Holding my breath...

O.k., now that these guys have been caught, I am hoping they are not gay or representing some other struggling group that is legitimate. Yes, certainly the Baptist Church can rub people the wrong way, particularly gays and other people they condemn. Still, burning down Churches does not tend to gain you support or influence people.

It's kind of like I support caring for the environment, yet I condemn the actions of the Earth Liberation Front in burning down buildings to make their point. (they just rebuilt the buildings anyway)

You can read my previous post on the subject, but burning down a church is a sick thing to do!

Editor's Note: The only thing to date we have on these guys is that they were college kids pulling a joke that got out of hand. What a ROTTEN joke!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

This would REALLY throw them off...

Hillary! She's the main distraction for Republicans wishing to divert attention from the Iraq war and Katrina mess...

Now, suppose she gets through the re-election process and then decides NOT to run??? What would the Repubs do then???

I have mixed opinions on her myself. I was happy to see her get the Senator job as she's a strong-willed gal and it's been interesting observing her on the job. But Hillary as President??? Well, even assuming she could get elected, she rubs a lot of people the wrong way. After having so many years of President Bush, (whom people either love, or totally hate) we need someone who can unite the country. As well as the world!

Unfortunately, Hillary is too much like Bill and, dare I mention it, George... Yes, you heard me right, George Bush! That's the sad thing here - it takes a master politician to get elected. But being a great politician is not a guarantee for being a great President, however. I think Bush was probably a good Governor. The jury is still out, but at this point, I'm not ready to use the description "Great" for him. "Mediocre" will do!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Our Conservative Supreme Court...

Today's decision is o.k.. I don't have a problem with military recruiters on campuses who get federal money. And as they said, people have every right to protest them. They are just there hiring for a job, like other people who go on campus to look for employees. Just think for a bit before signing up, please!

Everything is bigger in Texas?????

Except the fish. I will upload a picture. The whiting sure made good eating, however. It just takes four or five for a meal.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Saying F. U. to the terrorists!

Hi, I'm baaack! Sorry for the delay, but I'm trying to lay off computer usage.

I would have chosen Frontier or Southwest airlines to fly to San Anton', but American had the schedule I wanted. So, I wish to give you a few comments on my experience!

The planes are full and of course I wish it was more like first class. That said, I'm glad the flights were full! Every flight was on time! When I missed the flight in San Antonio (my fault), the gal at the check in immediately started working on getting me another reservation. When it was decided I couldn't make any more evening flights, she got me a good discount at a local Drury Inn. It was actually good to rest up in San Anton' after the busy trip.

To put this into perspective, the airline that suffered the devastating 9/11 hijackings is alive and kicking. I'm not sure how all their operations are faring, but from my point of view, they are doing well!