Monday, August 16, 2010

Disappearing Oil???

I'm just catching up on blog entry's. I hear that Gulf waters are clearing since oil stopped flowing. Is this due to the fact that dispersants have taken the oil off the top and spread it to the depths. Or is it because of the warm Gulf waters fostering bacteria that break down the oil??? I hope it stays warm down there late into the fall. I hope nature helps us out!

To Mosque or not to Mosque...

President Obama, I believe, said the correct thing when talking to a group of Muslims at a White House event. Yes, we have this Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion. But I question the wisdom of him weighing in at all. His Muslim guests were probably delighted, but the majority of Americans find the idea of a Mosque in that area offensive. It was not Obama's decision to make, anyway. For me, it not a question of legality, but rather what kind of Islam will be taught there??? Tolerance and community involvement or urging Sharia Law for America!!! Imagine if Fred Phelps (God loves dead soldiers) built a church in my neighborhood... Would I be silent??? Law abiding? Probably not!

Are we going to see signs like radical Muslims display in London? All that offensive, in your face stuff??? Yes, they have the right to build it. Yes they do! But I hope that the Imam in charge will show us moderation and tolerance. Otherwise, things could get nasty, even violent.

I'd be just as happy if NO institution of religion were built there. I don't know if Muslims have enough "Islamic Centers" in New York to adequately serve them, but they probably do already.