Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I think I voted....

Not today, of course. I voted WAY early. But whichever method you use, how can you be sure it counts??? All this talk of glitches and irregularities??? I have to say I lucked out in early voting. I had a young person and an old person start my machine. In fact, it was actually the elderly person who figured out the machine. See, not all elderly are inept at computers! It went smoothly and the paper ribbon matched my vote - good thing, I'm not sure what they do if it does not.

That STILL does not guarantee the vote went through. Nor with my friend's absentee ballot. With all the close races in this country, there's bound to be some sour grapes. I'd rather just delude myself and think: "of course the vote counted!" And then there comes the confusion over the ballot initiatives and candidates records... Hopefully, people will ignore those stupid attack ads on both sides. Look at the candidates records and positions. Yikes, I have to say that none of us will be getting what we want this year!!!


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