Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Iraq proposes timeline for withdrawl of U.S. forces...

Hmmm, interesting! There are some security conditions, but it sounds like the time is coming. I just think it would be impossible to not follow their wishes if we are to call Iraq a sovereign nation. The rest of the world would see us even more as occupiers.

How does this play out with the U.S. presidential candidates? Well, Obama stock would seemingly be up and McCain down. However it is much better for the Iraqi's to propose such a timeline than the Americans. The Democrats would have imposed a timeline regardless of the wishes of this supposedly sovereign nation.

All considered, we have a pretty good track record as occupiers. Japan, Germany and the Philippines can all attest to that. All three are stable functioning democracies. But it took a lot of patience to get to that point.

I hope they can get the U.S. forces out of the cities first. Keep bases in the desert to train and equip Iraqi forces... at least for a while.


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