Monday, June 23, 2008

Distorting the Bible....

And a fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution as well! These are the comments of our beloved Dr. Dobson down in the Springs referring to Obama's views on the Bible and his interpretation of our Constitution.

Interpret the Bible??? I s'pose Dobson feels that he and his Taliban organization are the only ones qualified to do so. And this guy would have loved it had we fucked with the Constitution to meet his Taliban criteria. NO Thanks!!!

Gawd, the Springs is a beautiful city yet you can't get away from Evangelical radio when cruising the airwaves there. I'm still glad Dobson did not endorse McCain. Should he win, McCain will owe nothing to Dobson's group. This is in stark contrast to Mullah Dobson being summoned to the Bush White House after he disapproved of that Harriet Miers croney of Bush being nominated for the Supreme Court. Bush and Rove sure knew how to work the Evangelicals. Or was it the other way around???


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