Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's bound to happen....

Overheard was the speculation that China got this devastating earthquake because they were not Christians.... Hmm.... The comeback answer was that all those innocent little children were harmed!

Um, I stayed out of that one... Just because I believe in a higher power does not mean I don't believe in science. A study of this planet shows these things just happen. And throughout history innocent people have perished to natural forces every year. How am I to know how God figures in all of this??? I don't think any human has that capability.

I also don't get wrapped up in this end of the world hysteria. Yes, as I've said before, a big rock could come out of space at any time and end our existence. Aside from that, the turbulent planet will continue to spasm at times... Unexpectedly!!!

I'm now wondering if the waves generated from the massive quake will resonate through the planet and loosen something up on the American West Coast...


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