Monday, June 30, 2008

The Patriotism Flap!

Geez, I need to sign up as an advisor to people speaking on behalf of Obama! Gen Wes Clark (ret) didn't really say anything terribly wrong.... But his words about McCain not having executive experience and saying that getting shot down and being held a prisoner of war does not give the man any qualifications to be Commander in Chief.... well, uh, they were just plain stupid!!!!! You don't fuck with McCain's military service, O.K.????

Obama did a good job in handling this in his patriotism speech at Independence Mo. Still, when you are the candidate, the "buck" stops with you... (speaking of Harry Truman) You will hear Fox News pundits playing this for all it is worth.

I admire John McCain. However, I do feel that you have to look at the the man's whole record - military AND public servant. Like Obama, he has his plusses and minuses.

Also, exactly what executive experience does Obama have???


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