Saturday, July 05, 2008

Ventillation is good!

Bring it on!!!! $5 gas??? Well, I have no control over what the price of gas does, but there is a silver lining to all this. Also a downside. I am noticing fewer big trucks and suv's on the road. People have slowed down somewhat on the road, though I see Toyota Prius' whizzing by. Fine with me - those can get like 50 mpg!

But, alas, there is my place in Nebraska. Maybe they felt like this is the last gasp, but these neighbors of mine spend all day driving around in these huge trucks, hauling huge boats with their kids driving around on the gravel roads in ATV's... They are kicking up all kind of dust and eatin' up all kind of gas. I finally got up enough gumption to introduce myself to them. Coloradans from Littleton. He drives a huge truck with company logo on it, so maybe he uses his company's gas for play time. They another huge truck and a couple of ATV's that they drive around the gravel roads kicking up dust.

Thank god these fucks only come up on weekends. Well, I had to wet down the trees to prevent some idiot from lighting off a pop bottle rocket over the 4th of July and burning those cedars down. It is soooo much better in the spring and fall, when there are just locals there. THEY come up and introduce themselves and make conversation!!! Yeah, a few have a big trucks, but they don't flaunt it like these wealthy Coloradans and they also wave when they drive by.

The downside??? Well, if the Denver folk stop coming, the little convenience store may have a rough time and have to close. So, my compromise is that I'll set up some kind of automatic watering under the trees to wet them down AND stay the hell out of there on those holiday weekends!!!! But in general I prefer the Nebraska folk and I can live without people from Denver. Glad I run around with NE plates on my little Bronco... Nice to pretend I'm a local!

I'll hang on to this place till the market allows me to sell it. Get a place in town where there is nothing BUT Huskers!


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