Monday, November 21, 2005


I slipped! I divulged that I despise the holidays! That raised a few hackles! I try to go with the flow, but I really REALLY get tired of all the ads!!! That's about the only part I despise. I never really understood why Christmas is so big and Easter so small. Why I get depressed this time of year is the fact that the days are short and the trailer in Nebraska has no water. Can't take the boat out if I can't wash it! That and my Right Wing Christian brother is shunning me because he thinks I hate Christians. Moi? Sheez, I'm just glad he didn't become an extremest Muslim who joins al-Quada!!! I wouldn't have put it past him! Jesus is fine and even Pat Robertson is o.k.. Pat is probably a decent humsn being, but I refuse to kiss his ass!

Well, o.k., George, you sure wanted to be my brother when you were facing staying in the homeless shelter! Now, you have everything you need so I guess you don't need a brother any more. I'm sure you wish to keep your son away from me as well as I am such a bad apple (and you are born agan so all past errors are washed away). But thanks for taking 2 seconds out of every day to mention my name in a prayer - I know it places a tremendous strain on you!


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