Friday, November 11, 2005

Bush forcefully attacks Iraq critics...

He makes a good point that the majority of Democrats supported the war. At that post 9-11 time, it was considered unpatriotic NOT to do so! The only part I'm aware of is the State of the Union speech, where the President talked about yellow cake uranium in Niger. I took him for his word and was convinced of the problem. Guess I was wrong. I also was elated when a Fox News imbedded reporter said they had finally found a chemical weapons stash at a chemical plant. Wrong again.

I can remember telling my brother in the autumn before; "Well, George, I guess we're going to war in Iraq!" I can remember hearing "rumblings" from news sources as far back as the spring of '02 about going to war there.

Here's what I believe: Bush sincerely believes in this cause and whatever intelligence he recieved. Saddam Hussein was a festering problem that needed attention sooner or later. We're there, we have an obligation to wrap it up there AND to look at any mistakes that were made so they won't be repeated.

There are a LOT of "festering" problems left, such as Iran, Syria and North Korea. At one point or another they will reach a critical point. I believe in taking necessary measures, but invasion and occupation should be the VERY LAST option. You break it, you fix it! America needs to mend it's international partnerships and repair the reputation of being the world's bully!


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