Friday, March 19, 2010

The end is in sight? Or not.

Sunday, the House of Representatives votes on the Healthcare bill. Some difficult to understand process of "reconcilliation" will allow the bill to pass with a simple majority. I read something about a bill of "fixes" will follow, or something like that.

A health care bill may be on it's way to the President's desk. But I would not sit here lazily and assume that health care will be fixed just by the stroke of a pen. Then there could be court challenges to some of the mandates in the bill. Can you really force someone to buy health insurance? Perhaps the fate of health care in the United States will be in the hands of the Supreme Court...

The way I look at it, (sorry to be so cynical) is that we are screwed no matter which way this close contest goes. We may be screwed faster if the bill is signed into law, but the fact that there will be no political oomph to do anything for the nation's health system for a time into the future.


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