Sunday, October 12, 2008

He's an Arab?

Oh, cut this crap! Even McCain had to jump in when that stupid bimbo called Obama an Arab. She obviously doesn't live in my neighborhood, where it is not uncommon to see all sorts of Muslims and Arabs minglng with the rest of us. Let me make this perfectly clear: there is absolutely nothing wrong with being an Arab! There are many decent Arab Americans who contribute to our society. And they are not all Muslim, though there are many decent Muslims here as well.

They are making a big deal about race... Too big of a deal in my opinion! Not off the table should be Obama's voting record and perhaps his association with the Acorn group, as they are facing some pretty serious voter fraud charges. People can also feel free to associate William Ayers and Reverand Wright, though they are not that big of deal to me

But race? His Arab middle name?

Just remember that noble former king of Jordan, King Hussein! I liked him!


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