Monday, September 29, 2008

The trickle down theory...

As noted by numerous people, when certain people become wealthy, it does not necessarily trickle down to "main street". Granted, when the economy is rolling along, there are jobs for everyone. But let us be honest. The conditions for the middle class and poor were not improving for some time now. But certain fat cats were insulated from all this and rolling right along.

Now, this all comes to a halt. The fat cats are in the stew along with the rest of us. Problem is that most people are not aware that the trickle of despair will actually be a torrent, which runs right through main street. Yes, I can see a need for a bailout, but I also understand the populist revolt against it. In fact, this revolt could deepen.

Yeah, I suppose I can support some kind of a bailout. But I'm not happy about it at all. I can only hope that these idiots that represent us can hash together some kind of a bill. But my belief in them putting together a GOOD bill is very low. Will this torrent sweep us all away?


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