Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Oooooh, sorry John this doesn't bode well for you...

Gee, I could see myself watching the wrong channels which were biased in favor of Obama. And to be fair, I didn't even notice the "that one" comment in last nights debate.

But now, Michelle Obama goes on Larry King Live and knocks one out of the park. In the beginning, of course, the media pounced all over her for saying that she was proud of her country "for the first time in her adult life"... This was an obvious gaffe and I kind of had the feeling she was brighter than that. Now, listening to it as I type, I have to say that I would be surprised if any pundit at Fox News could come up with any new criticism of her that would stick.

To be fair, Cindy McCain seems like a nice lady as well, but I'm not sure she is as charismatic. Of course, we must remember that we vote for the candidate and not their spouse.


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