Tuesday, January 08, 2008

If it was them...

IF and that's a big IF, Hillary and McCain won their respective partys nominations, who might win??? Well, then I'd put it up to circumstances of the moment. McCain is likely to talk about supply-side economics and cutting taxes. If we are in the midst of a recession, voters may not listen. Then again, IF Iraq were to continue to improve, there would be a lot of explaining to do by Dems. Voters would not listen. They may listen if the Iraq waters are muddied, however.

Voters may also percieve Sen McCain as too old. And I would agree.

Yes, I am really sad Bush said "Christ" in a debate and McCain slid out of the 2000 race. But now? Well, those candidates would REALLY have to talk me in to voting for them. Who cares if I vote, anyway? I think I'll do a write-in for O. SAVIOR as some people did in the N.H. Primary!


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