Tuesday, January 01, 2008

His quotes sound good...

Without hearing the details of these quotes attributed to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, I cannot express an opinion about his sincerity, or whether there are pre-conditions. But this sounds enticing:

When speaking of the future, "the world that is friendly to Israel ... speaks of Israel in terms of the '67 borders. It speaks of the division of Jerusalem," Olmert told the English-language Israeli daily The Jerusalem Post.

Certainly, I would suggest to Israel that they do NOT unilaterally withdraw from any occupied territory. P.M. Sharon's unilateral action in the Gaza did not produce stability. I believe all actions should be negotiated. The above interview to the Jerusalem Post sounds a lot like the Arab Peace Plan. Might this quote indicate that Olmert is ready to sign on to that??? Of course there are still Zionist settlers to contend with. I understand they love their (settlement) homes and believe God gave the land to them. However, were it me, I'd leave that place and take the compensation.

As for Jerusalem, I wish somehow it could be a united entity under a seperate rule. Perhaps the nations of Israel and Palestine could provide utilities and military protection. But I just can not envision that sacred city divided up with fences running down the streets. Jerusalem should be like an "International Zone" with it's own government composed of Jews, Muslims and Christians. All peaceful peoples of the world should be allowed to visit.

Yes, the above sounds like a pipe dream, I'll admit. WWIII is a more likely scenario. I only hope that IF armageddon happens, a messiah wil return to save everything. That, too, sounds like a pipe dream...


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