Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Religious Right has their man...

Mike Huckabee is rising in Iowa. He seems to be quite a personable fellow, but what about his experience? I hope that the religio-con voters look at more than just a couple of issues such as abortion and gay marriage.

Judging by what I hear from various people, there is a lot of anger against the "religious right agenda". Perhaps Mike is a more sincere person than G.W., but people still feel cheated and used by the Bush Administration. Could Mike unite the country and surprise us? Even if he turns out to be a real nice guy, I question his foreign policy experience. And of course, I don't favor the religio-cons.

Romney is getting kind of nasty and I've decided I really don't care for him. McCain has a shot at New Hampshire, but when he gets to Bible Belt South, he will probably flounder again. I think McCain and Biden on the Dem side have the most knowledge of foreign policy. Sadly, the fickle American voters could care less. This probably spells the end of the Empire.


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