Sunday, January 06, 2008


I don't know why they make such a big deal out of the farm state Iowa and tiny New Hampshire in the election. Neither is typical of the electorate. I can't sign on to any of these candidates. Obama gives good speeches, but has little experience. Huckabee is probably a nice guy, but I say NO to anyone supported by evangelicals. Romney is too foofey for me and McCain's time is past. Hillary? She'd get everyone all riled up!

While I don't totally agree with Ron Paul, I am in general alignment with many of his views. Sadly, the so-called upsets in Iowa stole his spotlight. And if Ron were to run as independant? Well, it's hard to say, but I think he'd steal from BOTH Republicans and Democrats. My guess is he'd probably take more Republicans than Dems. Therefore, we'd have President Obama or Billary. On that one, I'd take Obama.

Whatever happens, I hope the election is decided by young people. It is their future and whatever they decide is fine with me. I'm old and won't be around that much longer. I could see my comment offending a lot of older people: but I'm tired of seeing nothing but old people in the voting line. This is not to dis their dedication, but young people have more at stake. Just look at how screwed up things the previous generations have gotten things!!! Of course, I won't be in the voting line - my ballot will come by mail and go out by mail. Hopefully it will have one or two things I can stomach enough to vote for. For Pres, I can see another "protest vote"...


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