Monday, August 13, 2007

Adios, Turd Blossum...

Bye, Carl! O.k., to be fair, that is Bush's affectionate name for Mr. Rove. I have immense respect for his political talents, but unfortunately he delivered a dimwit to a bunch of Neo-Con thugs waiting to mold our President into their future product.

Hey, I have plenty of criticism to go around. The Bush family and the Clintons are a lot alike: they are big political families, a bit short on leadership capabilities. The only ones I like out of the whole Bush clan are George One and the two First Ladies. I admire Hillary, but am afraid she will only further the cause of division in this country. Bill? He makes a good fund raiser and celebrity.

I want someone to restore civility to the White House and work with Congress the way Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neill worked together. I'm afraid it won't happen! Hillary had better deliver an optimistic message and ease off on the criticism. Bill did a great job of delivering a positive message, but to be honest it was Ross Perot who put him in the White House. Now, perhaps, the Democrats and Republicans will deliver a third-party candidate to the office. And I don't care if it's a woman or person of color (did I use the right P.C. terminology?), as long as they could get the job done.


At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the Rumor Mule chimes in on the possible provenance of Karl Rove's turd blossum moniker


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