Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Rome is burning!

Just in reading the ridiculous squabbles in a comments section of a Denver Post article, I can see where things are headed in this country! I believe this divisiveness really flared up during the Clinton impeachment ordeal. Then it did not become any better when Bush "won" (well, sort of) the 2000 election. For a brief moment the country rallied together after 9/11... But, as the wars got bogged down, that support rapidly evaporated.

The country is left with several chronic and potentially fatal problems - let us not forget about the devastated Gulf Coast... I don't believe it will be one problem, such as terrorism, which brings us down. Rather, I think it will be a number of maladies that combined, will weaken the great Empire to the point of collapse.

It'll take a lot to get me to vote for one of those presidential candidates currently running!


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