Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A cat fight - no thanks!

Yeah, this fight between Rosie and that other gal on the View got a lot of press. Big deal! It is fine for women to have a show to argue on, but why would I watch it???? I'm around too many women at work and have to listen to their little quarrels there.

I used to like Rosie, but she's becoming more and more of a big loud-mouthed dyke. Women quarreling gives me a headache and I don't enjoy it. I do like it when a good female journalist or blogger writes an interesting article. But listen to women argue? Yes, they accomplish things despite their little spats, but in the mean time my head hurts. Discuss things calmly and I will listen!

Since I listened to excerpts on Larry King, I can honestly say nobody won. It was just a bunch of hot air!


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