Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm Baaaack!!!

It was good to get away for a few days. I had my doggie, Laura, to keep me company.

Just to show you the kind of people you meet in rural Nebraska, I have two stories.

First, I stopped in at the Big Springs grocery to get some meat for the trip. The lady told me about the bag I left there last September with fly spray and a fly swatter in it. She told me to go to the back and get those items. It's a small, homey little place - mostly farmers.

Second, I got big time stuck at the North Shore, gate 5. The Ranger was precipitously close to going into the ditch and I had tried jacking it up, putting rocks underneath and all - no go. So, I took Laura and headed up to the highway. At 10:30 PM, there was NO traffic at all. Finally after about 10 minutes a little car came by. The guy slowed down and then turned around. It was a squeeze to get in Dick's little escort, as it had been hit on the driver's side. But heck, I'd ride in anything rather than walk back to my trailer. Dick worked for the railroad and had a HUGE garage at his place, in Lemoyne... In the back was an old Ford Bronco - the big kind. He popped the hood and squirted some gas into the carb to get her going as she hadn't been started in 6 months.

To make a long story short, the Bronco towed my gutless Ranger out of there, with almost no resistance. We exchanged information and he said he'd take a case of MGD beer, when I got a chance. I stopped in Ogallala the next day and got him two. Not a bad deal for twenty -two bucks. The Bronco is for sale and he'd let it go for $500.


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