Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Kucinich will join '08 presidential race...

Obviously he is a bit too far to the left for Zim's Rants... However, I admire the guy's sincerity and tenacity. Heck, at this point, we couldn't do too much worse, could we? The thought scares me...

There are some parts of Kucinich's socialist and anti-war platform that I could even give luke warm support to. While I am against a Canada-style single payer healthcare system, I do feel that perhaps some basic elements of our healthcare system should be "socialized".... like basic preventative care and routine stuff. But let us keep it competitive enough to attract the best and brightest to the field.

As for the war, I think we all look forward to a return of our troops. However, his precipitous withdrawl truely is cut and run. While it is true that perhaps the "mess" can not be fixed, we at least owe them our efforts to stabilize the country and make an orderly withdrawl!


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