Sunday, November 05, 2006

Top three steps on immigration.

1. Seperate border security from dealing with the people already here.

2. Get down to business with social security number verification, employer checks and if necessary, sanctions. Then, some of the 12 or so million will filter back where they came from.

3. Fences where they work, but more patrols also.

Then, you can consider those of the 12 + million here who have been here a significant amount of time. I favor a humane solution. We probably should deport some of them, but I think it's not practical to throw everybody out. Evaluate each case and allow those who want to pay the fine and learn english to stay. I don't consider a $2000 fine a slap on the wrist for a poor person.

We should also consider reaching out to Mexico to try and end poverty.


At 5:18 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

How about pulling all our troops out of Iraq and place them on our borders to protect US from the terrorists?

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Hank Z said...

Dani, I was kinda interested in that as you listed a link that said "anti-bush" on your page. Hmmm... it just goes to show you shouldn't stereotype people.

My response is too lengthy, so please read my next post. As usual, thanks for posting!


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