Sunday, October 22, 2006

Que Cera, Cera...

Whatever shall be, shall be! I have the feeling that Amendment 43 , the marriage amendment will pass and Ref. I will fail. Remember when Colorado passed Amendment 2, yet voted for Clinton?

Guess what? Life goes on! I'll vote no on 43 and yes on I. Then I can say: YOU voted for it, not I! Life will go on, regardless. Yes it says that society is against the empowerment of gay people. So what? Married heterosexual people will go home to their spouses and find that nothing has changed. Gay people will be downtrodden for a while, and then realize that nothing has changed.

It shall be a long struggle to advance things further. I encourage people to Focus on THEIR family, be it traditional or different. In the end, it is the love and commitment that defines any relationship and NOT the stinkin' government!


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