Monday, October 16, 2006

Kerry says he deserves another chance in 08

Oh no... Bring out the Swift Boat Vets! I'm kind of looking for some new blood. One thing we have to take into consideration is the amount of years the U.S. forces were over in Vietnam when John testified before congress. You can bet if we are embroiled in Iraq that long, there will be vets testifying before that congress. There are already some Iraq vets running for office - most of them as Democrats, which might tell you something.

Toan would definitely not vote for Kerry as the Viets felt that he sold them out, but then again, I don't believe they like McCain either as he has met with the commie leaders there. Sorry, but Vietnam doesn't top my list of priorities in voting criteria! I am glad we have diplomatic relations with them and I wish we had them with Cuba and Iran...


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