Saturday, October 21, 2006

Do they want war???

Sometimes, I think the "Greatist Generation" wants to relive WWII. For the life of me, I can't figure out why, but they do... I think they want to relive the glory days. I know for all the glory they got there was a lot of trauma: I knew of several alchoholics among my parents friends. That would include my uncle Whitey, who did stop drinking, but also had some things happen in Europe that he just could not talk about...

Yes, I appreciate what was done to defeat Hitler and rehabilitate Germany and Japan. But we have to realize that not every conflict is resolved in that manner. It will be a long and bloody battle to try and kill all the terrorists in the world. Look at the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland. Need I say more???

Kill the hard core terrorists? You bet! Reach out to people and find out the root causes and gain more understanding? Absolutely. It will shorten this war!


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