Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush Proposals Aim to Ease Gas Prices

This really should read: Bush Proposals on Gas Prices to Aid Republicans up for re-election! Well, at least he isn't emptying the reserve... If I sound rather unsympathetic on this, well that's just the way I am! I tend to have more sympathy when it comes to heating oil and natural gas used for heating. Whenever you have gas prices going up like you have now, more people take public transportation (I've noticed this personally) and the larger vehicles disappear from the road. If everyone cut back on driving, the consumption of gas and diesel would drop and the law of supply and demand would lower prices.

I've got some work to do, personally... Getting up at the crack-o-dawn aint my forte', but I suppose I could get up a half hour early to take the bus to work!


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