Thursday, April 06, 2006

Senate reaches 'breakthrough' on immigration...

Yeah right.... All they did is take the easy road for the election year! I still maintain that the correct way to handle immigration is to start with making it more efficient for the people trying to come here legally. A lot of those people here illegally are just sending money back to Mexico... They need to be screened and checked for criminal background and terrorist connections. Most of the illegals are not criminals - if they are not, then they should be able to apply for a temporary worker's visa. But you are essentially granting amnesty by letting people who slipped across illegally stay here. What needs to be done is stopping the pressure on the border. THAT needs to be the first priority. Some people want fences - I want a more efficient process for people to come here. I think most immigrants would rather not cross many miles of desert, or pay thousands to be transported in a dangerous overcrowded van. We need to stop that. Those who come need to be screened, photographed and fingerprinted! (If I were trying to work in another country, I wouldn't mind having that done...)

We also need to crack down on employers who hire illegals. Sure, you probably can't prevent every illegal gardener or dishwasher, but you can crack down on companies who have hundreds or thousands of workers and who flaunt the law. They should pay stiff penalties!!!

Some of that desert country looks like it would be kind of interesting to take a hike in during the cool months IF it were not so dangerous or littered with trash,


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