Thursday, December 01, 2005

World Aids Day 2005

It is always interesting to see the progress, or lack of it, in fighting this disease. I can see the progress in the fact the President of the United States has no problem in talking about the epidemic and compassionate solutions for it. This wasn't true when the epidemic was starting and Ronald Reagan was president. Then, it was taboo to say the word AIDS. Now Bush (yes, the Conservative Bush) talks about solutions and manufacturing overseas with distribution of medicine in Africa and elsewhere.

On the negative side, the pandemic grew last year and large numbers of new infections occured in many countries. This is one tough nut to crack!!! Believe me, it's no picnic to take all this medicine, yet it works! The only easy thing about the disease is preventing it (educating people how it is transmitted). I don't like to dwell on this disease, I just live with it and forget the fact that it could kill me. I'm doing o.k. and am lucky to have access to healthcare. I have a dream of a world where all people have access to the medicines and the medical supervision they require. I also think we'll stop this one, sometime in my lifetime! If we don't cure it, it will become more and more manageable. Poor countries will attain manufacturing capabilities and a new green revolution is right around the corner with better nutrition for all!


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