Saturday, December 10, 2005

About CHRISTmas!

Granted, there are a LOT of other celebrations mixed in this time of year from the Winter Solstice to Hanukah to Kwanza to New Years... But Christmas dominates the month of December and at least in this editor's mind there's nothing wrong with Merry Christmas! Just don't start until after Thanksgiving... Sure, it makes absolute sense to buy presents in July to save money - Just remember it is then we are celebrating summer and the 4th of July.

I also think there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with say a Manger Scene in public.
Just don't get carried away with it on government property.

For me, Christmas in essence is rembering the birth of the Christ child. A lot of other stuff got thrown in there along the centuries. I got the real full European / Danish tradition of Christmas as a child. I think my parents could have emphasized the Christ in Christmas a bit more. You would've thought we were worshipping the FAT guy in a red suit! Still, it was an exciting time of year as a child and I look back on it with mostly fond memories. Once Granny and Aunt Jane died, I think in reality Christmas did too for us! Of course, at least with Janie, she died long after we stopped believing in the fat guy!

This year it will be different. Oh sure, I've got the usual cards to send out, but it will be nice to have something to actually do on Christmas! It's been boring for the last few decades. This time, if I can drag Toan in, we'll have a nice service to attend - then maybe go out for Chineese food!


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