Wednesday, December 23, 2009

No glee here!

The U.S. Senate is ready to pass it's Health Care bill. Then comes the reconciliation with the House bill. What can I do? I have little faith this will improve things. But hopefully, I will fall into a sweet spot of those who benefit from the plan. Just like I don't think Nebraska should get special Medicaid breaks for Ben Nelson's vote, I feel that this bill should attempt to improve health care for all people, rich or poor.

The Left is mad because there is no public option and the right is mad because of new taxes and costs.

What should I do? Call Senator Bennett or Udall? Call Dianna Degette? Fat chance on them changing their minds.

What can I do? I can do what I can to improve my health! So far, I've pretty much stopped eating meat and a lot of fatty foods, so as to give my arteries a chance. So far, no weight loss and a lot of farting from all the plant fiber. But I feel my brain is sharper. I know there are some genetic and congenital diseases that simply require a lot of medical care. But for those of us who have problems caused by our lifestyle, we must change. I predict our government will fail us in Health Care...


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