Thursday, December 17, 2009

Press the reset button please

Obama heads off on his dubious trip to Copenhagen. This is not to say that I wish they could develop more clean energy sources, but it is difficult to get all these countries to agree on anything which will really cut greenhouse emissions. I believe that the problems will only get solved when new technologies become economical. Otherwise, big investments in the middle of a world recession will hamper recovery for the short term. I betcha the Chinese come out ahead of the technology race in the beginning.

Then there is Healthcare.... Yuck! Press the reset button, please! Whenever Senator Nelson faces re-election, he will face fierce opposition in his conservative state if he signs this monstrous bill. However I have more serious concerns than abortion - which is his sticking point.

Nobody wants some progress in health care more than chronically ill people like me. Don't get me wrong. I really wanted something to be crafted, which would solve problems. But I'm afraid this bill is too large, complex and contains too many compromises to please various groups. Plus, it will cost too much.

Just passing a bill to pass a bill or reaching an agreement on climate change in order to give people a false sense of progress is no good. It's got to be the right bill and the right pact on the climate. Otherwise, it will ruin us!


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