Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pardon the lack of posts...

Late season depression setting in? Perhaps.

Well, I see some sort of healthcare bill has passed the House of Representatives. Now, how the heck do they marry it up with the Senate bill? At this point I don't know whether I'm for it or against it. Anyway, we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Gunman at Fort Hood: I am fascinated by mass murderers. But I feel bad for peaceful Arab Americans and Muslim Americans. I still choose to believe that a vast majority of these people ARE peaceful. But just like a few Christian wackos I've read about, his mental illness was probably fed by religious fundamentalism. But rest assured, I will never reach that point as I can put myself in the place of the Major's victims and their family members. Odd that he was a psychiatrist - with a heavy burden of treating soldiers mental issues.

Obama's latest is his sitting on the decision to bring more troops to Afghanistan. It's a heavy decision for sure and I don't mind a few weeks of pondering. Just don't let the weeks turn into months. Also, don't do it half-assed. Either develop a strategy for withdrawal or put in the resources to do it right. Please don't do the same thing as Bush did and under deploy troops thinking it will be a cake walk. As for me, I am wavering. I feel bad about the corrupt election, but unless the Afghans can somehow pull the country together, it will return to the type of days when it was ruled by the Taliban. We can only pour so much blood and treasure into it.


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