Friday, August 07, 2009

Slipping approval...

The Messiah (Obama), as his haters call him, is having some trouble. Health care is stalled and the unemployment rate is too high. Too many of our troops are dying in Afghanistan.

Well, what did you expect? He can't work miracles with all the problems on his plate.

I give the Administration generally good grades on foreign policy. Yes, the Iraq withdrawal just kind of happened. But Obama is listening to his generals and there are no precipitous withdrawls. I only hope Iraq continues to need less of our troops so they can be used in Afghanistan and elsewhere (as well as take a break). And I hope we reevaluate Afghanistan after the elections. His speech in Cairo was excellent, but of course the Muslim world expects actions, not just speeches. In small part, the desire for change in Iran can be credited to Obama. If they officially snub us, well it just makes them look bad.

I disagree with the rushed stimulus package, as few knew what was in it at the time. It was too much deficit spending. However, the economy looks more stable now. Unemployment is the last thing to go down, as employers are hesitant to add jobs.

He should have been more involved in encouraging bipartisanship. What would be the problem with including a few Republican ideas in the stimulus and health care bills? Health care has stalled and this is probably a good thing. Take some time to work over the bill and perhaps include some ideas from the Blue Dog (conservative) Democrats. I would be even happier if the Republicans had something which could be included in the bill, but right now all they can say is "no"!


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