Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I can live with it....

Bill Ritter is "Pro Life", but as Governor he would uphold the laws as they are. This is not to imply that I am "Anti Life", however the debate has gotten so polorized that one would think it boils down to that. He is personally opposed to abortion and I am opposed to most of it. Where Bill distinguises himself is that he wants to reduce unintended pregnancies. THAT is his primary solution to the problem, not criminalizing abortion. He wants to restore some funding to Planned Parenthood by the State.

He also believes that as a Catholic, marriage is to be between a man and a woman, however is not for pushing state amendments or changing the Federal Constitution. He believes some recognition and civil rights outht to be extended to same-sex couples. A sensable approach. Also, I do not believe he is anti-gay because he campaigned in one of Denver's gay bars when running for D.A.. Sure he was trying to get votes, however I don't think Beauprez would be seen in one!

I hate to just give blanket support to all Democrats. However, I thought that many of our Democratic legislature's bills were ones I could support. Though I'm sure I might have vetoed a few as well, I think Gov. Owens vetoed too many. I look for balance between the two parties. If Colorado goes overboard with liberalism, maybe I'll have to examine some moderate Republicans. I think I've tried to build a case for the moderate stance of Bill Ritter. In any case some will try and paint him as a left-wing extremist. If this were the case, then why are some Republicans breaking ranks to endorse him? Colorado is a moderately conservative state and would never elect a really liberal governor.


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