Sunday, May 28, 2006

Some flowers for the graves...

It's Memorial Day again and we often forget the meaning of this holiday. If I were in Hawaii, I'd head out to the Arizona Memorial. I don't really know what to do here. It's definately worthy of mention in this BLOG. I'm glad I never went to war when I was in the Army! It is a piece of cake in peacetime, yet a tough way to make a living during a conflict.

I believe it would be good to promote the Commander-In-Chief from the Veteran ranks. And not just some peacetime warrier like me and President Bush. Also, not just some "veteran" who spent just a few months in the battlefield and inflated his record on paper. Or, like that guy who came from a rich family, but went to theater albeit with bodyguard and a cush job... The need is for some real vet who had their metal tested in battle, yet didn't crack under the pressure!


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