Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize......

Let me set the priorities for the nation. Our leaders can't. Here they are:

1. Border Security and Immigration

2. Rebuilding the Gulf Coast

3. Prioritizing the National Budget: cut as much descretionary spending as possible.

4. Energy independance through clean energy sources to protect the environment (note, this could also WIN the "War on Terror" as we could render countries in unstable regions irrelevant..).

5. Revamping healthcare to lower costs and increase access for more people WITHOUT blowing the budget!

6. Stabilizing Iraq and Afghanistan and getting the hell out of there!

Note: My favorite priority is #4, however all of these are important. You can shift these around to suit your tastes. But they are all the top 6.

I'd rank Same Sex Marriage about 15...


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