Friday, February 03, 2006

Stupid Outrage!

Yes, I agree they probably shouldn't have published the caricature of the Profet Mohammed (may he remind his people to be Peaceful as well as Peace being upon him). And they should not have portrayed him as a terrorist. But all this angry rhetoric and death threats to Denmark, where the cartoon originated???

Man, I'm sorry, but this just shows the ridiculousness of religious extremism! Not only that, but I have a fondness for Denmark, the birthplace of my Grandmother (Peace be upon her, as well). Publishing a cartoon is NOT equivalent to blowing somebody up! Threats to Denmark of that nature are threats to me!

I read a little of the life of Mohammed. Yes, in some ways, he was a warrior Prophet. But only to defend his people - the Muslims. He did not rush out to make war for the sake of some trivial matter, such as a published drawing. Of course, nowadays, there are those who want to use this to fan the flames of hatred. It's kind of like when they flew the planes into the W.T.C. and killed three thousand people... Tens of thousands of Muslims got bombed and killed as a result.


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