Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The speech? Yawn......

O.k., yes it was good. Bush didn't screw up any big words. Probably gave him a slight bump in the polls. I hear he's now going on the road to "campaign". For what, I have no Idea!!!???

I think some people on the Gulf Coast were let down by the speech. Remember, we've lost most of a major U.S. city and it got scarce mention in the speech.

The Democratic response by Gov. Kaine was o.k., too. He's kinda goofy-looking. It looks like they put him in to appease the religious people, or to draw some of them back to the Democratic Party. Anyway, lots of mention of the Creator and blessing God. I think few people actually listen to the opposition response.

I'm not sure what I want to see with Bushie. I suppose if he went down in ruins, the country would as well. Still, I think it would be best if he keeps his mediocre poll numbers and doesn't hit any "home runs" up until after next November. This is unless you would like us to become a one party country! Look, he's already stacked the Supreme Court to his liking and committed us heavily in a big war. Nobody wants complete gridlock, but we don't need a "rubber stamp" Congress, either. Any more loss of Democrats is bad.


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