Monday, January 30, 2006

Kudos to Jerry Fallwell!

Have I gone nuts? All this criticism of right wing preachers and now I want to praise one? Yes! Absolutely!

This doesn't mean that I agree with him on much, just that he scored some points with me in last night's sermon! The subject was divine intervention and trying to predict what is on God's mind. He does not condone it and believes that it is not proper Christian thinking, or "Godly" behavior. He talked about Jobe and how he lost everything but his faith. Some bad things happening to a good person! The other thing Rev Fallwell talked about was how they lost 400 churches in New Orleans and so if it were a divine punishment it also took the good people with it.

I don't listen to these guys that much, but when channel surfing I occasionally stop for a moment. I usually get upset and change the channel. This time I was pleasantly surprised! I promise to be fair to everyone and when someone on the "other" side does something commendable, I will mention them.


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