Thursday, December 22, 2005

F.O.F. C.D. in your Christmas Stocking?

Or was it a "Holiday" goodie bag for the kids? You either love F.O.F. or hate 'em. Even they claim that this C.D. was to be distributed at the discretion of the Littleton School District. Regardless, you certainly can NOT claim F.O.F. is a secular organization!!!!

Look, I'm all for common sense for handling Christmas in schools. You SHOULD be able to mention Christmas and even wish someone a MERRY CHRISTMAS. But F.O.F. is a Religious / Political organization. A lot is being made of the assault on Christmas. I agree that in many cases the secularists are going too far. We sometimes forget that the other side goes too far as well. Let it not be forgotten that we are now a far more diverse country then when we were founded. Let's give the Buddists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Agnostics Atheists and others a little respect as well.

As far as many of the standard symbols of Christmas, such as the tree and red and green colors - they have little religious meaning. Trees, wreaths ornaments and lights are not necessarily inappropriate in schools. Having kids understand the main reason for the holiday is acceptable, too. But when religious materials are sent home with the students, this author thinks they have gone too far.

As a rebellion to this whole thing, I am announcing to everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah and Joyous Kwanza and NOT Happy Hollidays. Hannukah starts on December 25. Most Jews I know are most gracious about Christmas and are NOT the ones trying to ban it. They just believe in "live and let live" and go on to quietly celebrate their holiday. I just wish the other side - Dobson and F.O.F. would show equal respect!


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