Tuesday, April 07, 2009

LBJ and Reagan loyalists clash over Obama agenda

Hmmm... well I tend to like the memory of old Ronnie. But it was more for his personality than perhaps what he actually got done. Under his Administration, they initially cut taxes, but reporedly raised them on later occasions.

I don't remember a lot about LBJ... So I remember things like welfare, left over from the "Great Society". I also remember him for "going big" and sending troops en masse to Vietnam. (another Texan war monger) I'm not sure what JFK would have done... I also remember Johnson for civil rights legislation, which is good.

I think Republicans will have a lot to attack Obama on, come the next election cycle. But Americans may not listen, as the memory of the Bush years and what was the result of them will still be fresh in voters memory.

Any third party candidates out there???


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