Monday, March 09, 2009

Based on scientific facts not ideaology...

Re: Obama reverses Bush limits on embryonic stem cell research. Well, for me, religious beliefs have NOTHING to do with this. More importantly, will the embryonic cells yield results that adult stem cells won't??? Otherwise all this fuss is a mute point.

Then, there is the federal funding for this research. Obama's Executive Order does not pay for anything. I have no problem at all with doing research on something that would be otherwise thrown away. But will the results pay off? Or can just as much be done with adult cells? Obviously, they won't know unless they try.

If you believe that doing research on the cells from a frozen embryo constitutes taking of a life, then even the Bush limits would be to high. I don't and the only way I would feel it constitutes taking of a life if they were to tear an implanted embryo from a woman's uturus.

Also, they do need a few basic ethics guidelines: Like don't grow a human being out of the embryo! Otherwise, my concerns are primarily that money could be wasted on this.


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