Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It's no better at this time...

I still am having problems deciding whom to mark on my ballot, which finally arrived. I think I can say I agree with McCain on taxes. Many of the other issues, I could accept Obama's stance. Here's the problem: It seems likely McCain will lose. But what if he does not? How will he be able to get anything done? And I have a big problem with Sarah Palin. Not that she isn't a very colorful and dynamic figure. It's her views that I would have a problem with. She would be o.k. as V.P., but what if the old codger in the White House dies or is disabled?

But then again, it is risky with Obama. He'll have too much power to do what he wants. So, I have to take a gamble with whomever I vote for. I'll gamble the same as I did last time: I can't stand John Kerry, but voted for him just to show that there was a few of us out there that were against Bush. I believe McCain's daughter, Megan, did the same. Anyway, Kerry had no chance of winning Colorado. Yes, McCain has a chance here. He has a chance to win the Presidency. So, I'll have to realize that this vote could count. But odds are that Obama will carry Colorado, so I'm off the hook. And if the predictable happens, please don't think that I'll be out there griping and wishing Obama failure. I'm an independent voter having a tough time deciding, that's all!

Yeah, this is a chicken-shit way to vote. The only thing, even more chicken-shit, that I could do is vote for one of the other minor party candidates on the ballot. Jeez, there sure are a lot of choices! But in an election of such importance, I feel it important to choose between two starkly different candidates. I give McCain only a slight edge of agreeing with my principles, yet he is unlikely to get too much done. I can only hope that he will come to the center and work with Democrats if elected.


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