Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Biden and his comments....

We ALL know that the next President will be tested. But the way Biden phrased it, it sounded like he was saying that Obama needed all the help he can get during a crisis. Of course this gave McCain a perfect opening: recanting his role in the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Me? I have confidence that a military man like McCain would be best equipped to handle a crisis. And perhaps Obama could surround himself with wise men to help him decide. This is not so much of an issue with me. The issue I have is that I don't want the future "advisors" steering our new President into the adventurist exploits of the past. I sincerely hope McCain is not a Neo-Con who gets wrapped up in the idea that America is the world's policeman. With Obama, my concern is that he not negotiate away too much. "Trust but verify" as Ronald Reagan said...


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