Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oil below $70 a barrel...

This could be the best stimulus ever for the economy. Gas prices that are at $2.70 per gallon and falling put money directly into the consumer's pocket. Of course OPEC is planning an emergency meeting to rain on this parade a bit. But eventually this should help inflation, resulting from transportation costs.

I wouldn't trade in that hybrid just yet, however. You need to drive it for a number of years to make up the extra cost. And would this mean that we could perhaps give a little environmental consideration before drilling the hell out of our country? Those of us driving old clunkers can relax. We don't have to go out and buy a used Geo Metro!

I really hope the world can wean itself from oil. I don't really want to see $200 oil, but could survive without $25 oil as well. The U.S. automakers are just beginning to tool up to make more efficient cars and hybrids. The best thing that could happen is for oil prices to stabilize. It would indeed help for us to increase refining capacity. This would stop harsh fluctuations due to hurricanes and the like.


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