Monday, July 28, 2008

CNN: McCain says he could support 16-month Iraq timetable

Yikes! This poor fella can't catch a break! You have to understand the context of this headline: If the commanders on the ground think it will work...

This statement is bound to be pounced upon by the Obama camp.

Yes, obviously McCain was billed as the 100 year war man. What he meant was that he could see a military presence in Iraq for 50 to 100 years, just like we have in South Korea today.

Now let me be clear: I want us there only if the Iraqi government and (more importantly), people want it. And only in the smallest number of troops and personnel possible to aid this fledgling nation. Obviously, the American people and the Iraqis are getting impatient. With record budget deficits at the ending of the Bush presidency, I don't see how this 10-Billion-a-month war can continue much longer.


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