Sunday, June 18, 2006


They should get that guy that announces "It's what's for dinner!" on the beef commercial. The "menu" includes a tough stance on illegal immigration (no comprehensive reform), gay marriage and standing tough in the war on terror!

Attempts will be made to boil these issues down to the simplist term: "You are either with us or against us!" Anyone who suggests an alternative will be considered "weak"!

Those who are angry, frustrated and bitter about "business as usual" in this Country had better look carefully at the candidates, their records and truthfullness of campain advertising. Take the time to question the candidates and look for candor and directness. Look carefully, not only at their words, but their records as well.

I'd like to suggest C-span as an alternative to the cable news channels. As clever as television ads may be, do your absolute best to put them in perspective. They are designed to manipulate you!


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