Sunday, June 18, 2006

A convenient timetable...

In the movie, "An inconvenient Truth", they talk about how the world has ten years to avert climatic disaster. While I wholeheartedly agree with those trying to raise flags on global warming, the ten year timeline seems rather arbitrary.

I'd say at the pace they're going, maybe they could begin to actually DO something in ten years. Then, it may take a while for the changes to start working. In other words I would say; You can't turn this bus around on a dime!

Also, we have no way of telling how much of what is going on is just being accelerated by man's activity. Maybe we are in a natural warming cycle which is occurring despite our activity.

I really am NOT trying to minimalize the efforts of Al Gore and others. They are doing a good thing. But for now, we should also concentrate on getting the levees fixed well in New Orleans. Personally, I feel they should evaluate the permanent abandonment of large portions of that city and other low coastal dwellings along the Gulf Coast. Let's also work on getting people OUT of FEMA trailers ASAP. Everyone should move to higher ground even if that is just a few feet!


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